
Protecting Our Oceans and Sea Animals

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Dear Friend, Last week, I had the opportunity to visit the Seattle Aquarium to discuss why it’s so important to protect our oceans. The Aquarium uses water from the Puget Sound and helps rehabilitate animals affected by oil spills, which are a significant threat to sea otter populations. Climate change is a serious threat to our way of life, our economy and our children –…

DelBene: We Must Not Risk Damaging Oil Spills Along West Coast

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SEATTLE – Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (WA-01) today called for a ban on offshore drilling along the West Coast while visiting the Seattle Aquarium, where animals affected by oil spills are rehabilitated. “Our country should be transitioning to clean and carbon-free energy sources, not taking on the risk of environmentally and ecologically damaging oil spills in the Puget…

DelBene Helps Introduce Bill to Ban Offshore Drilling Along Washington Coast

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Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (WA-01) helped introduce the West Coast Ocean Protection Act to prohibit offshore drilling along the West Coast. “Our country should be transitioning to low-carbon energy sources, not taking on the risk of disastrous oil spills. It’s time to make smart investments that will foster a new economy based on clean and renewable energy,” DelBene…

DelBene: Research Should Be Driven by Science, Not Ideology

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Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (WA-01) today opposed a bill that would restrict government investments in science, technology and innovation based on partisan ideology. The bill makes specific cuts to programs designed to combat climate change, promote energy efficiency and spur renewable energy research and development. “Through my work in the private sector and as an entrepreneur,…


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Dear Friend, To get our economy back on track and help Washington’s families and businesses, we need to find responsible, bipartisan solutions to our nation’s fiscal issues. Unfortunately, the Republican budget passed by the House of Representatives last week was neither responsible nor bipartisan. Yesterday, I spoke at an event with Senator Patty Murray about what a…

DelBene Statement on EPA Grants Awarded to Tribes in Washington State

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Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (WA-01) released the following statement today, after the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) awarded grants to several tribes in Washington state. “I am pleased the EPA has awarded grants to three Washington state tribes – the Lummi Nation, the Upper Skagit Tribe, and the Swinomish Indian Tribal Community,” DelBene said. “Fishing is…