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KING 5: Washington congresswoman requests Point Roberts residents be exempt from US-Canada border restrictions

By Chris Daniels

POINT ROBERTS, Wash — UPDATE | Rep. Suzan DelBene, the Washington congresswoman who represents Point Roberts, sent a letter Wednesday to Secretary of State Antony Blinken after seeing KING 5's report on the International Marketplace's impending closure.

In her letter, DelBene requested Blinken grant an immediate exemption for Point Roberts residents from the border closure and reopen the Boundary Bay Border Crossing.

“The status quo is simply unacceptable. Leaders ultimately bear responsibility for the hardships faced by members of the Point Roberts community. We must act quickly to reach an adequate and safe solution before it is too late. I respectfully request that the United States and Canadian governments immediately grant the community of Point Roberts an exemption to the current border rules and reopen the Boundary Bay Border Crossing," she wrote in part. 

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