
DelBene Supports Bill to Rein in NSA Spying, Protect Privacy

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Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (WA-01) today joined members of the House Judiciary Committee in cosponsoring bipartisan legislation to rein in the National Security Agency’s (NSA) domestic surveillance program and protect Americans’ privacy by creating greater transparency, oversight and accountability. “Like most of the American public, I remain outraged and deeply…


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Dear Friend, On June 1, three of the most controversial provisions in the USA PATRIOT Act will expire. As we now know, the government has been interpreting Section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act to enact far-reaching and invasive government surveillance programs that secretly obtain personal data from U.S. citizens, whether or not they are suspected of any illegal activity. Just last…

Op-Ed: Update legislation to protect Internet data privacy

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Government agencies should not be able to easily obtain and view Americans’ emails, photos and other personal data without a warrant. Unfortunately, the law that protects private information stored electronically from government searches dates back to 1986, when Congress passed the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) – long before the technologies that are ubiquitous…

Op-Ed: Time to rein in government surveillance programs

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Like most of the American public, I remain outraged and deeply troubled by reports of far-reaching and invasive government surveillance programs. As we now know, the government has interpreted Section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act to secretly obtain personal data from U.S. citizens, whether or not they are suspected of any illegal activity. The post-9/11 world has certainly offered a new…

D.C.'s Top 50 Women in Tech 2015

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For technology-executive-turned-Rep. Suzan DelBene, technology isn't a separate issue – it's related to everything Congress does. “I think information technology and technology kind of permeates everything that we do," DelBene said. “When we look at industries and government, we see that technology has created incredible opportunities as well." DelBene is the…

Can Rep. Suzan DelBene keep your fridge from launching spam attacks?

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Last January, a fridge was caught sending spam emails as part of a larger botnet attack: In other words, someone out there remotely accessed more than 100,000 devices, including televisions, routers, multimedia centers and at least one fridge. This person (or persons) used those devices to send more than 750,000 spam emails between December 23, 2013 and January 6, 2014. Fast forward a…


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Dear Friend, I am pleased to have taken significant steps throughout the past few weeks to help address the privacy concerns of businesses and consumers. As a member of the Judiciary Committee, ensuring our nation’s laws keep pace with innovation is a task that I take very seriously and view as crucial to protecting individual privacy as technology becomes an ever-increasing part…

Privacy Concerns Threaten Overseas Tech Industry | Commentary

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Since the Edward Snowden revelations of 2013, foreign governments have raised concern about the safety of their citizens’ data stored by American Internet companies. They believe U.S. law enforcement authorities have access to any cloud-based data — and it’s putting the $174 billion industry at risk. Alert to these fears, a bipartisan coalition in Congress is working…

Reps. DelBene, Marino Introduce LEADS Act

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Congressman Tom Marino (R-PA) and Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (D-WA) introduced the LEADS Act today. The LEADS Act is a simple solution to the all too common and complicated problem of international data storage and governmental access. The legislation balances the critical needs of law enforcement, such as the issuance of warrants and subpoenas, with the importance of respecting privacy…

DelBene Welcomes FCC Vote on Net-Neutrality

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Today, Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (WA-01) applauded the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) leadership in keeping the Internet free and open. “I support the FCC’s efforts to protect a free and open Internet,” DelBene said. “This proposal prevents blocking, throttling and paid prioritization, which are positive, bipartisan goals.” Last year,…