
Protecting Medicare and Medicaid

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Dear Friend, For nearly 52 years, Medicare and Medicaid have provided quality healthcare to seniors across the country. I had the opportunity to mark the anniversary of these essential programs during my recent visit to two senior centers in our district this month. In Washington’s First District, more than 150,000 Americans receive lifesaving healthcare from…

It's about people

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Tags: Health

Dear Friend, While Senate leaders may have delayed the vote, they are continuing to push their healthcare repeal bill that causes millions to lose health insurance, raises costs for middle-class families, decimates Medicaid and guts protections for women and seniors. We should be working together to give people better coverage at lower cost, not forcing them to pay more for…

Boosting apprenticeships for American workers

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Dear Friend, Today, the House of Representatives passed my amendment boosting apprenticeships for American workers. Included as part of the bipartisan Accelerating Individuals into the Workforce Act (H.R. 2842), the amendment helps people find good-paying jobs in high-demand industries through apprenticeships and on-the-job training. Technological advancements like automation are…

Protecting Our Planet

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Dear Friend, Last week, President Trump announced he would withdraw the United States from the Paris Climate Accord – an international climate change action plan signed by more than 190 countries. In Washington state, we know firsthand the damages of climate change. From longer and worsening fire seasons, increased pests and invasive species, an acidifying ocean to more…

Protecting a Free & Open Internet

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Dear Friend, As many of you may know, before becoming a Member of Congress, I had a long career in the technology sector and as an entrepreneur. I’ve seen firsthand how quickly technologies can develop and become critical components to our everyday lives. Today, more and more people are constantly connected to the online world, between our mobile phones and smart watches, cars…

National Infrastructure Week 2017

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Dear Friend, This week is National Infrastructure Week. Across the nation, our infrastructure is facing a breaking point. An efficient and functioning infrastructure system is critical to the economy of the Washington's First District. Next Tuesday, we’ll mark the four-year anniversary of the Skagit Bridge collapse. We saw first-hand the impact this had on our local economy.…

Visiting the Boys & Girls Club of Skagit County

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Dear Friend, Recently, I visited the Boys & Girls Club of Skagit County to highlight the devastating effects that President Trump’s proposed budget cuts would have on our community — including this important afterschool program. I also donated computers from my District Office for their 21st Century Community Learning Center, which offers learning…

Comprehensive Tax Reform

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Dear Friend, As taxpayers know all too well, our current tax code is cumbersome, often fails to reflect the way the world works today and produces unfair results with loopholes that are prone to abuse. Through my work on the House Ways and Means Committee, which has jurisdiction over tax policy, I hope we’ll be able to pass comprehensive reform that makes the tax code simpler and…

Welcoming the D.C. Bully Busters

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Dear Friend, Recently, I had the honor to host a pledge-signing event on Capitol Hill with a group of 11-and-12-year-old girls from Washington state who were in D.C. to promote anti-bullying tactics in American politics. Formed last year, the girls created the D.C. Bully Busters, a nonpartisan project to encourage members of Congress to take action against bullying. I signed their…

Upcoming town halls

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Dear Friend, As your representative in Congress, one of the most important aspects of my job is to stay informed of the thoughts and opinions of my constituents, and I appreciate the time you take to share them with me. That’s why I’m holding a series of town halls throughout the First District. We had amazing turnouts in both Ferndale and Redmond. For those of you who…