
Research and Innovation are Central to American Competitiveness

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Dear Friend, Research and innovation are central to American competitiveness and a key driver of our national economy. Each year, investments in research through the National Institutes of Health (NIH) help us push the boundaries of scientific knowledge, support promising medical advances and address the heartbreaking diseases facing our nation. Medical innovation not only…

Happy Valentine's Day

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For this Valentine’s Day, I visited elementary schools in the First District with local veteran, Lindsay Zike, to join students in making Valentines for Veterans.

Investing in Job Training

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Dear Friend, In Congress, I’m working to help Washington’s families and businesses succeed. Instead of partisan bickering, I’m proposing innovative solutions that give us a solid return on our investments. Two years ago this week, as part of the bipartisan five-year Farm Bill, I secured $200 million for job-training pilot programs around the country similar to…


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Dear Friend, Our economy thrives when families are both healthy and financially stable, but long-term economic growth can only be achieved when all Americans have the opportunity to succeed.


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Dear Friend, Six years since the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Citizens United v. F.E.C., it is clearer than ever that our electoral process needs campaign finance reform. In that controversial 5-4 decision, the conservative majority on the Court declared that campaign donations equal free speech, and that corporations have the same rights as individual Americans.


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Dear Friend, Yesterday, the President highlighted several pressing issues confronting our nation. But in order to move forward with solutions, Congress needs to overcome its habit of partisan bickering. So instead of wasting time and money on partisan Select Committees and bills that have no chance of becoming law, Congress should be focusing on the needs of working families and expanding opportunities.


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Dear Friend, During the past few months, I have fought for the reauthorization of the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF). Since it was founded in 1964, the LWCF has invested $637 million for projects in Washington, supporting the more than 200,000 jobs and $20 billion per year that outdoor recreation contributes to our state’s…


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Dear Friend, During the holiday season, it’s important to be on the lookout for potential scammers trying to take advantage of unsuspecting consumers. In an effort to get a great bargain, some shoppers can become victims to those selling counterfeit goods online.


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Tags: Education

Dear Friend, This week, Congress passed the bipartisan Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) to finally replace No Child Left Behind. For too long, federal education policy has remained woefully outdated. ESSA will bring meaningful and much-needed reforms to our education system for Washington’s students, educators and school districts, and I was pleased to support it.