National Security

DelBene Statement on Reining in Government Surveillance

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Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (WA-01) applauded Senate-passage of sweeping reforms to rein in government surveillance programs, but said more should be done. “Bulk collection of American communications records is a gross violation of our civil liberties. I’m glad Congress has finally taken action to meaningfully rein in the government’s surveillance programs. But this is just the first…

DelBene Statement on House Passage of Surveillance Reforms

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Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (WA-01) applauded House-passage of sweeping reforms to rein in government surveillance programs. DelBene also delivered a floor speech ahead of the vote. “Bulk collection of American communications records is a gross violation of our civil liberties. I’m glad the House has finally taken action to meaningfully rein in the government’s…

House Considers Bill To Stop NSA Bulk Collection Program

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MELISSA BLOCK, HOST: The bulk collection of Americans' phone records that Edward Snowden exposed two years ago is dividing the Republican-led Congress. The issue has come to a head because the part of the USA Patriot Act used to carry out that bulk collection expires at the end of the month. The house will vote today to modify that provision by banning the massive collection of phone…

DelBene Statement on Committee Passage of Surveillance Reforms

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In a bipartisan vote today, the House Judiciary Committee passed the USA FREEDOM Act, which would rein in the National Security Agency’s (NSA) domestic surveillance program and protect Americans’ privacy by creating greater transparency, oversight and accountability. Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (WA-01) is an original cosponsor of the USA FREEDOM Act. After committee passage,…

DelBene Supports Bill to Rein in NSA Spying, Protect Privacy

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Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (WA-01) today joined members of the House Judiciary Committee in cosponsoring bipartisan legislation to rein in the National Security Agency’s (NSA) domestic surveillance program and protect Americans’ privacy by creating greater transparency, oversight and accountability. “Like most of the American public, I remain outraged and deeply…

DelBene Statement on Passage of Clean DHS Spending Bill

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Today, Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (WA-01) voted to fund the Department of Homeland Security through the end of the fiscal year. “Passing a clean DHS funding bill is what should have happened all along,” DelBene said. “We shouldn’t be playing politics with this important issue. I’m glad we have avoided a shutdown that would harm workers and our national…

DelBene Floor Statement on Funding DHS

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Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (WA-01) delivered the following remarks on the House of Representatives floor today, calling on House leadership to fund the Department of Homeland Security through the end of the fiscal year. DelBene’s speech, as prepared for delivery, is below: “In my state of Washington, we’re very familiar with the vital role the Department of Homeland…

Members of WA Congressional Delegation Applaud Major Investment in States Military and Defense Industry

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Today, U.S. Senators Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell and U.S. Representatives Adam Smith, Rick Larsen, Suzan DelBene, Derek Kilmer and Dennis Heck applauded an announcement by Washington Governor Jay Inslee that the state has been awarded $4.3M  in Department of Defense (DoD) Office of Economic Adjustment (OEA) Defense Industry Adjustment program funding to focus on the military and…

DelBene Statement on Syria Amendment

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Today, Congresswoman Suzan DelBene released the following statement on her vote in favor of the McKeon amendment authorizing the Pentagon, in coordination with the State Department, to train and equip appropriately vetted Syrian rebels and associated groups to defend the Syrian people from attacks by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). “It’s clear that ISIL…

DelBene Statement on Release of Improved USA Freedom Act

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House Judiciary Committee Member Suzan DelBene issued the following statement today after Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy introduced a new version of the USA Freedom Act: “I am pleased that the version of the USA Freedom Act introduced today includes important improvements to the House-passed USA Freedom Act, and I commend Senator Leahy’s efforts to…