
Preparing for a New Economy

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Dear Friend, Recently, the House Democratic Caucus announced the creation of the Jobs for America Task Forces to help craft a legislative agenda that will benefit hardworking Americans and middle-class families. I was named co-chair of the New Economy Task Force, which is one of five Task Forces aimed at identifying opportunities and solutions for American workers across the…

Honoring Vietnam War Veterans

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Tags: Veterans

Dear Friend, With more than 200,000 veterans in Washington state who served during the Vietnam War, I’m working in conjunction with the Vietnam War Commemoration as part of a nationwide effort to thank and honor all Vietnam-era veterans and their families at Vietnam War 50th Commemoration pinning ceremonies to publicly recognize their service and sacrifice for our country. If you or…

Congressional App Challenge and Hackathon

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Dear Friend, As someone who worked in the technology sector before coming to Congress, I know firsthand innovation requires creative, entrepreneurial leaders. The future of our nation and its economy depend on the next generations being able to think outside of the box. That’s why I’m pleased to announce the return of the Congressional App Challenge! This competition is a great…

Bringing Down College Costs

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Tags: Education

Dear Friend, As students return to campus, the rising cost of higher education in America continues to pose serious challenges to millions of middle-class families, who are being forced to take out higher loan amounts to pay for tuition, fees, textbooks and housing. In Washington state alone, 56 percent of graduates leave their four-year university with student debt averaging $23,000.…

Protect Our Dreamers

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Dear Friend, This past week, the President decided to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. This action is cruel, heartless and does nothing to secure our borders or fix our immigration system. Nearly 800,000 children brought to this country by their parents have known no other home than the United States, including more than 17,800 right here in Washington…

A Busy August in WA01

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Dear Friend, It was a busy August back in the beautiful First Congressional District! I had the opportunity to travel throughout the district talking to folks about ways Congress can update our laws to ensure all Americans succeed in the rapidly changing economy. Nowhere in the country is the economic impact of innovation and entrepreneurship more visible than in Washington’s First…

Helping My Constituents

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Dear Friend, Assisting my constituents is one of the best parts of my job as the U.S. Representative for Washington’s First Congressional District. Take John, for instance. John, an Air Force veteran from Duvall, kept getting stonewalled for the past six years while trying to get the compensation he was owed from the Veterans Administration (VA). My office worked with him, and was…

Allowing States to Effectively Regulate Marijuana

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Dear Friend, Twenty-nine states and Washington, D.C., have legalized some form of marijuana. And more are expected to vote on legalization in 2018. Yet, marijuana possession or use for any purpose is still prohibited under the federal Controlled Substances Act, leaving every participant in the state markets — including cancer patients — at risk of…

Preserving Our Veterans Stories

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Tags: Veterans

Dear Friend, In 2000, Congress established the Veterans History Project (VHP) to collect and preserve the stories and experiences of our nation’s veterans. These audio and video interviews serve as a valuable archive of firsthand insights into the realities of war. As a nation, we have a duty to ensure the painful sacrifices made to protect our families and freedoms are never…

Marking the Anniversary of Dodd-Frank

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Dear Friend, Today is the anniversary of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act being signed into law. This landmark legislation helps protect consumers by monitoring financial systems and identifying risks to economic stability. Unfortunately, the House of Representatives chose to gut these critical safeguards last month, passing a bill that will remove or…